Loose Ring Control Plate Corkscrew 5 1/8"

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  • Description

The Loose Ring allows for immediate release and relief from tongue and bar pressure. The bit is immediately reset to a neutral position in the horse's mouth.

The Bombers Control Plate is set at 45° to follow the contour of the horses tongue. Consequently, a horse who uses his tongue as a means of pushing against the bit and therefore taking control, will draw back and tuck his chin in, coming back to a better point of control.

The Corkscrew mouthpiece is grooved to offer extra control over strong horses. The groove in the mouthpiece causes edges that result in pressure points in the horse's mouth. The edges amplify pressure on the mouth, especially the bars and tongue, and also act on the lips. This offers the rider more control than a smooth mouthpiece, and can help to prevent the horse from leaning.

Disclaimer: Sweet Iron will oxidize when it comes into contact with mositure, this oxidation process encourages salivation which improves acceptance of the bit. This process changes the blue colour of the Bomber bit to a brownish grey. If not used for a while, any build-up may be removed with a scourer and wiped with a damp cloth.